Monday, January 31, 2011

Things that I want to make soon!

So there are a  few things on my mind that I want to really make in the next upcoming week. Hopefully I'll be able to stick to my list!
  1. Some sort of Blackberry or Raspberry cupcake.
    I recently bought a new Wilton's 23 piece cake/cupcake decorating tool set and I really want to use it! I   like decorating things :)
  2. Lemon Bars
    I want to make my lemon bars again, they are soo good. 
  3. Sebzeli Sulu Kofte (Meatballs-Vegetables in Tomato Sauce) 3 months ago I discovered this awesome website " Binnur's Turkish Cookbook", and I made several things since then from her site! I made some pide in December and took pictures of it. I really need to post them up. Anywho, I love her site so much I got the physical cookbook for Christmas! :)
So there's my list. I'm not going to add anymore because I may get carried away and well, not really end up doing them all. If I spread myself too thin I won't get them done. I think I may start with item # 3 and work my way down to #1.. 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Honey Pineapple Chicken~! Slow Cooker Edition!

 So my sister-in-law for Christmas gave us a big electronic menu Slow Cooker and a Slow Cooker recipe book :) I'm really happy that she gave these to us because since we opened it up we have been making things left and right with it! hehehe.  I actually have always wanted one because I think it's a pretty nifty idea to prepare things earlier in the day and just toss it in the cooker and not have to worry about it for hours. It does all the hard work for you~! You don't even have to really thoroughly clean it if you use cooker liners :) I think I'm going to write a post in the future about the wonders of it hehe.

So one of the things that I did this week to mix things up a bit was " Honey Pineapple Chicken Tenders".  I really like pineapple it's one of my favorite fruits to eat in dishes. I think it goes well with almost anything! Since I had bought prior some chicken tenders, I took this recipe and modified it a bit. I had somewhat of a tough time because the recipe called for 3lbs of chicken and I only had 1lb so I had to cut the recipe down to the appropriate measurement :) It called for a bunch of math, some head wracking and some eyeballing! I really don't do too much eyeballing at this stage of the game because I don't yet feel too comfortable with the " a pinch of this a handful of that " way of cooking.

So for this dish what I did was I chopped up the tenders into tiny chunks, placed them in the Slow Cooker and then added the other ingredients, which were, honey, vegetable oil, soy sauce, garlic, pineapples, salt and pepper. I also added the juice of the pineapples into the mixture even thought it didn't call for it, because I figured it was such a small amount of chicken it would probably get dry in the cooker. I set it for 8 hours on low. After like 4 hours I added a lot more pineapple and nuts to the mixture and then at the 5 hour mark, it was pretty much done so we took it out and it was dinner time!  (the dish was prob. done a lot sooner but I was not so sure so I called Chef Richy in for the grand inspection lol)

So how did the dish turn out? It was really good! With some rice and veggies next time it will be perfection! Richy ate most of it sadly so I didn't have too much of it in the end hehe. What did I learn from this? Buy more chicken that just 1lb!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Time to make more low fat Lemon Bars!

So last week I was on a quest to make low fat lemon bars! Actually the truth is I had been wanting to make them for the longest time because about several months ago I was watching Paula Deen on the Food Network and she was making these super decadent Lemon bars bursting with butter and well, they looked so good. Then about a month a go I saw Giada de laurentiis making some lemon bars and well, that sealed the deal! It was like the lemons were screaming out at me " Make us into bars!! Maaaaaakeeee Ussss!".

Gosh I make them sound like evil little lemons don't I? Well, they are evil if they tempted me to make them into bars! So far, I must say, this is the only recipie/dish I have had the urge to reeeeeaally make twice! They call to me!

All the yummy ingredients :)
Ok so getting back to the bars, I wanted to make lemon bars that were low in fat because usually they are not low cal and I could stand to loose several pounds so after much searching the internet for the perfect recipe, I found it at the blog "Cooking done light".  Here is the link to her Low Calorie Lemon Bars!

I still can't believe these bars are only 66 Calories! That's nothing! I could eat like three of these and not feel guilty! They are so rich in lemony flavor goodness that you don't even realize that they are low fat~! These guys were so good that they were all gone by the following morning :)  (Not all by me, don't worry) My only gripe about them is that I need to buy a normal 8" x 8" pan as the recipe states because I used an individual brownie portion pan and it was a bit hard to get these guys out since the bottom of the bars were so crumbly. I think it would be easier to get them all out as as a whole and cut them in an even pan. So that's the plan today! I'm going to target to get a new brownie/cake pan! :D I think I'm going to need some new cabinets or storage for all the baking things I'm going to eventually want to get :)

The Finale!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cheescake pudding?

Doesn't it look yummy?
So my husband, Richy and I  decide that we wanted to make a cheesecake last night.  Actually It was all his idea, as he puts it, "I've been dreaming about this cheesecake all week!~"  So we made it together. Richy's pretty much an expert when it comes to making things like this because he's made them in the past and they have come out quite good! This time it was more of a "watch and learn" lesson for me.  It was pretty easy to make this cheesecake, just a few eggs, butter, lemon zest and juice, vanilla, ricotta cheese and yogurt. I think that's about it. oh, and it had a graham cracker powder crust. If anyone is interested in the "Exact measurement" recipe I'll put it up :)  I'm pretty sure I am missing something or other in that list of ingredients I just gave for the cake, and it's probably something important he he...

So after we put all the ingredients into the stand mixer and mixed them up nicely he poured them into a cake pan with the graham cracker crust coating the bottom. After setting the oven to 325, we placed the cake in and left it for 1 hour, then we turned the oven off and let it sit for another hour. Yea, its kinda a long process.. I really thought it was going to be a bit faster but I guess cheese and yogurt take longer to cook and set ?

Ah, having a stand mixer makes life so much easier~! It has made me really develop a love for baking. I think it's kinda funny.. I have only really done like 2 or 3 things myself when it comes to baking and they actually have come out quite well! I've made cookies (and helped out in the making of many a chocolate chip cookie with Richy as the head "Pastry" Chef), bread (which I will get into later) and really decapitated muffins... I guess I can add cheesecake to my list lol!~ but honestly, even though I did help out in the making of this cake, I don't feel like it's truely mine until I have done every piece of it myself. :)

Getting back to the cheesecake here, when the cake was ready and we took it out of the oven, Richy was so excited to taste his masterpiece that in flipping over the cake to put it on a nice plate, it kinda slipped... Swiftly trying to recover the pieces. he managed to save most of it and put it in a bowl. So now, it ceases to be a cheesecake, it's more of a cheesepudding cake type mixture hehehe.. oh well. On the upside, the cake is really really really tasty! I just ate some in a little bowl! which I'm not regretting cause it's 1.02 am and it just hit my stomach like a ton of bricks... urg.. I should know not to eat things after a certain time. ah live and learn..

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I think Tofu hates me..

So I think Tofu hates me. Why does it hate me when I love it so? I love it in all it's forms! Agedashi Tofu, Tofu Teriyaki, Soondubu jjigae, Toffutti ice cream bars... mmmm... I'm hungry now.. anyway, the point is , I really love Tofu and dispite my love for it, every time I try to cook with it I end up messing the dish up.  It's one of those things that will elude me forever I'm afraid. Maybe I'll master it some day.

So some time in December I decided that I wanted to make tofu. Again. And so I bought some Firm Tofu at my local H Mart and proceeded to go to town with it. Ok, not really. I'm not that skilled yet that I can cook without a recipe! I looked one up and found someone on a message board who had suggested BBQ. I had some BBQ sauce in the fridge that I really had not used up so I said, "Hey! that sounds like a good idea! BBQ tofu~! I'll grill it on my Cast Iron grill pan!."

I strained it, patted it dry and cut it up into little peices. Slathered my BBQ sauce all over and let it marinade in it for about 30 mins or so. Then I grilled it.  The idea was good.  It smelled good. Did'nt look all too appealing but here's hoping it tasted good. That was the most important part.

End result? Tofu that was kinda leathery, smelled like BBQ on the outside, had no flavor on the inside and well.. my husband didn't even want to touch it...  and he likes food !

Saddened and disheartened I tossed it and am currently perplexed and back to the drawing board when it comes to Tofu.  Well, at least it's a small conciliation that to this day even my husband who can cook up some awesome dishes is intimidated by it!! Tofu Gods, Help!!

The ever elusive 2/3 measurement.....

Ah, the bane of my existence! The Elusive 2/3 measurement. Oh how I hate thee... Why can't you be a normal measurement like our friends 1 cup, 1/2 a cup and 1/4 of a cup ? Those guys I can count on! but you, 2/3 of a cup, away with you! You know, I kinda tolerate your best buddy 1/3 but only in a pinch.

Why do I hate thee so much? because of the simple fact that math and I do not mix. I'm really not good at it and personally speaking I think math is not really something you should be implementing while you cook. It just makes you think long and hard about things and makes your work a tad bit more difficult when you are just getting your basics around the kitchen down. Who came up with 2/3 of a cup anyway? seriously...  It's like saying oh, look. let's take 1/2 of a cup and add a wheee bit more to that. yep. that will do.

For me, well, make mine Gryffindor!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Want some Limeade?

Limes. Limes are what inspired me to start this blog. You see, my most famous cooking disaster started with these little guys and my desire to please my family, whom I had not seen in a while, with my wonderful abilities.

In Colombia, the notion of a lemon does not exist. I mean, well, it sort of does but it's really a lime instead. And I had a craving for lemonade! So I took my cousins down to the supermarket around the bend and bought the biggest bag o' limes I could find! I had an idea and I was determined to see it through. They had no idea what what in store for them he he he....

So take a guess how many limes I decided to juice right there and then? yep, the whole bag. There were easily about 20 + limes in there (it was a big bag) and I managed to fill a pitcher will all of their juices. Nope, no water. Not a single drop. Oh, and no sugar either. Just pure 100% limey goodness. After all, what goes better to wash down that heavy lunch you just had but some "let me watch you as you choke and scream as your esophagus closes up" lime juice goodness. You should have seen my Aunt's face as she was the first victim to drink my concoction. Classic.

Needless to say I learned my lesson right there and then that that's not how you make limeade or any type of juice for that matter. It was only several years later that I actually realized that there is a reason why most commercial juices only have 10% juice.

Limeade anyone?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The lemon that started it all!~

 I recently decided that I was going to make it my mission in life to teach myself how to cook.  Now this is a little something that my husband has been trying to teach me for years back when we were just dating in college and well pretty much failed. The bitter truth is I was never taught as a child (how can you be taught when your own mom has not the slightest idea about cooking? hehehe) nor did I have any inclination to learn the art.

One day I just woke up and said... I really need to learn to do it. I may not like it at first but everyone learned somehow. Hell, my own Grandmother once told me that she went into her marriage not knowing a thing about the kitchen and ended up learning with much sweat and practice how to cook some awesome meals with a little help from her neighbor and best friend. Too bad she never really taught my mom this trade, it would have saved me from so much experimentation that nearly killed the people who tried my dishes! :)

"So what's with the lemon obsession you got there?", you might ask? well, in first things first, I'm not going to be making a blog about the wonders of lemons or 10,000 lemon recipies. So no worries there. Unless you like that sort of thing and lucky for you, one of my next posts will be about just that! This blog is basically going to be dedicated to my own personal growth in the world of cooking and my thoughts about my mishaps, adventures and sucesses! Thanks for joining me!

- Jen